Rivercity Players is holding auditions for its next production, Proof by David Auburn.
This is a Pulitzer Prize-winning drama with a touch of mystery and romance.
An open audition will be held on Monday, January 24 at 7 pm with callbacks being held Wednesday, January 26 at 7 pm, both at the Rivercity Stage at 1080 Hemlock. You must wear a mask and show proof of vaccination.
The cast involves two women and one man ages 25-35 and one man aged 50-plus.
Performance dates for the show at the Rivercity Stage are May 5 – 15 plus one performance at the North Island Zone Festival the following week in Courtenay.
If your interest is more in line with helping out backstage, Rivercity Players is also looking for production volunteers for this play. Email altaylor@telus.net if you would like to help out with backstage help, set dressing, costumes, lights, sound, whatever you’d like!